Double anale pour une blonde
- Durée 39:19
- Votes 9
- Note 3.78/5
- Vues 3970
- Date
Vous regardez "Double anale pour une blonde", une de nos vidéos de sexe anal. Cette vidéo a une durée de 39 minutes et 19 secondes, elle a été vue par 3 970 autres personnes et possède une note moyenne de 3.78 sur 5 d'après 9 votants.
Commentaires (1)
The way Adam explains how to teach your woman to do thgnis without offending her is excellent. Every guy should read this. His explanation of using dirty talk to effectively communicate your desires to your woman is spot on! I've been with men who were good at this and it was a huge turn on, making me want to please them. I've also been with men who just didn't have a clue how to communicate in the bedroom and sure enough I didn't really want to please them. If you're a guy, buy this book, read it and use the information with your woman immediately. You won't be sorry. If you're a woman, buy it for your man you'll both benefit greatly!