freaks of cock eva angelina 4
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- Durée 6:12
- Votes 8
- Note 4.20/5
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Vous regardez "freaks of cock eva angelina 4", une de nos vidéos d'archives. Cette vidéo a une durée de 6 minutes et 12 secondes, elle a été vue par 5 803 autres personnes et possède une note moyenne de 4.20 sur 5 d'après 8 votants.
Commentaires (2)
i've awalys thuhgot brad and angie's shopping trips were more than just shopping for stuff'. they have 6 active kids who are limited to their home grounds and playing with each other, day after day after day. she just can't walk them to the park, let them play in front of house.even their shortest excursions have to be strategized and orchestrated and include an acompaniment of bodyguards and sometimes nannies. i awalys thuhgot the shopping trips were, in someway, diversions for the kids, lets them get out of house, accept the craziness of the crowds as a level of normalcy (for them) and offsets the chance of the kids becoming stir crazy at home. even though they travel and live in beautiful homes and hotels the kids need to get out and i think brad and angie do as much as they can under their circumstances short trips to toy stores, is just one example. she also appears to try and differentiate excursions which is why i think she sometimes lets mad and pax do things different from the others or when she just goes out with the shi and zee and now just the twins. we have also them with only one child at can tell they are cognizant of quality time and different interests of her children.i admire her determination to expose her kids as much as she does and how she is creating normalcy. what other celebrity waits in line and towing 4 kids?, i think the toys are secondary to the trips.