exhib en voiture

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  • Durée 0:16
  • Votes 14
  • Note 4.43/5
  • Vues 9285
  • Date

Vous regardez "exhib en voiture", une de nos vidéos d'archives. Cette vidéo a une durée de 16 secondes, elle a été vue par 9 285 autres personnes et possède une note moyenne de 4.43 sur 5 d'après 14 votants.

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Commentaires (3)

  1. Anonyme

    quotes chimp solution to this problem would be to create a new state office: public advocate. the job of public advocate would be to take the side of the average insurance consumer when matters of premium rate increases, insurance policy wording, insurance legislation, or other issues of vital import to consumers are being debated in the legislature or decided by the insurance commissioner. a public advocate would have the time, money, information, and ability to effectively represent the consumer's point of view. this is extremely important from my perspective because i do not believe that the consumer is adequately rep?resented in government. this new office would balance the equation.

  2. Anonyme

    i read your ponsitg and was jealous